The best-selling Italian luxury goods e-commerce brand ranked first in satisfaction in the United States for five consecutive years from 2010 to 2014; FORZIERI has its own team of buyers and stylists, creating a top tier online boutique on a global scale. Florence, Tuscany, and even the entire Italian peninsula are the hometowns of almost every world-class designer's handmade bags, shoes, jewelry, and leather goods. FORZIERI will select the best from the best, allowing people around the world to experience and share true Italian fashion culture and personal charm, becoming a one-stop luxury accessory concept store. FORZIERI will interpret accessory trends for customers, provide fashionable boutiques, and create an Icon style! Bring customers a perfect and excellent shopping experience. After the order is placed, the Italian direct mail tax package is received, and Alipay, WeChat, and UnionPay payment are supported.